No one deserves to be in an unhealthy relationship, period!
Many of us are not aware if we are in a healthy relationship or not. This is the first step, figuring out if yourrelationship is healthy, or if there are red flags in your relationship that require further inspection! Let’s take a look at the qualities of a healthy relationship vs. unhealthy relationship.
Healthy Relationship Signs
Healthy Relationship Signs:
Honesty & Accountability
- Accepts responsibility for self?
- Trust just isn’t about keeping secrets; it is also about feeling safe and having security within your relationship.
- Respecting your rights, feelings, friendships with others, and opinions.
- Communicating openly and honestly with each other.
- Respects your rights to have other relationships with friends, family members, co-workers, groups, etc.
- Listens to you without judging.
- Being emotionally supportive of you.
- Values your opinions and beliefs.
Non-Threatening Behavior
- Talks and acts making you feel safe.
- Commits to not use power, control, threats, or manipulation.
Unhealthy Relationship Signs